
Autonomous Systems
Autonomous Systems
Robotics, Automated Systems, Systems Health Monitoring
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Stereo Vision Software Suite (JPLV)
JPLV provides a set of libraries and utilities for basic robotic vision, including stereo ranging and camera calibration. Primarily intended for vision system users rather than vision system developers, the suite hides most implementation details behind a high-level application user interface. No specialized computer-vision knowledge is required.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
The Bundle Protocol Core Flight System Application (BP)
The BP cFS application uses the Bundle Protocol Library (bplib) to implement Delay Tolerant Networking. The application targets the cFE 6.5 release and provides out of the box integration with the cFS CFDP application (CF), and a POSIX compliant file system when provided. The implementation conforms to the CCSDS Blue Book recommendation 734.2-B-1 issued September 2015, which is based on RFC 5050.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
MAV - Modeling, analysis and visualization of ATM concepts
A modeling and analysis framework that provides the ability to model humans, automation, the interactions between humans and between humans and automation for air traffic management and airspace design concepts.
Open Source
Astrobee Robot Software (ARS) v1
Astrobee is a free-flying robot that is designed to operate as a payload inside the International Space Station (ISS). The Astrobee Robot Software (ARS) consists of the embedded (on-board) software and simulator. ARS operates on Astrobees three internal computers and uses the open-source Robot Operating System (ROS) framework to link multiple software modules. ARS performs localization and navigation of Astrobee, supports autonomous docking and perching, manages various sensors and actuators, and supports user interaction (via screen-based displays, light signaling, and sound). ARS enables Astrobee to operated in multiple modes: plan-based task execution (command sequencing), teleoperation, or guest science. The simulator allows software simulation of Astrobee mobility without requiring any robot hardware.
Open Source
AprilNav: Indoor Real-time Landmark Navigation System
AprilNav uses printable 2D fiduciary markers, a HD camera, and software running on a single board computer (SBC) to create a scalable, and accurate system for vehicular autonomous navigation and localization.
Open Source
Autonomous Operating System - Diagnostic Reasoner
Diagnostic Reasoner (DR) is a research tool which uses a dependency matrix (D-matrix) approach to perform diagnosis on a target system. It is a app designed to run with NASA's Core Flight Software (cFS) system. DR uses a model-based approach to diagnosis, and will provide runtime fault detection and fault identification of systems.
Open Source
Robot Application Programming Interface Delegate (RAPID), Version 2
RAPID is a software reference implementation framework for remote operations. The technology promotes interoperability between robot software modules and includes a standard programming interface and data distribution middleware. RAPID facilitates integration of experimental robot software modules created by a distributed development team; improves the compatibility and reusability of robotic functions; and offers speed prototype robot development in a wide range of configurations and environments.
Open Source
Prognostics Algorithm Library
The Prognostics Algorithm Library is a suite of algorithms implemented in the MATLAB programming language for model-based prognostics (remaining life computation). It includes algorithms for state estimation and prediction, including uncertainty propagation. The algorithms take as inputs component models developed in Matlab, and perform estimation and prediction functions. The library allows the rapid development of prognostics solutions for given models of components and systems. Different algorithms can be easily swapped to do comparative studies and evaluations of different algorithms to select the best for the application at hand.
Open Source
Lidar Based Hazard Relative Navigation Algorithm for Safe Lunar Landing
The purpose of HRN is to provide measurements to the Navigation Filter so that it can limit errors on the position estimate after hazards have been detected. The hazards are detected by processing a hazard digital elevation map (HDEM). The HRN process takes lidar images as the spacecraft descends to the surface and matches these to the HDEM to compute relative position measurements. This work is directly applicable to manned lunar landing. It is also directly applicable to robotics landers on the moon, other planets and small bodies. It could be used as a sensor approach for navigation of autonomous air vehicles for military and surveillance purposes.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
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