Crew and Life Support
Biological Sensors, Food, Medical, Biological Analysis, Crew Support, Basic Human Model and Cognition
Multi-Attribute Task Battery (MATB-II)
MATB-II is a computer-based task battery designed to facilitate research in human multiple task performance with consideration for the effects of automation. The tool includes five component tasks: system monitoring, tracking, communications monitoring, and resource management. A scheduling window provides preview of anticipated workload, and component tasks can be automated or manual. Coded in C++, MATB-II has been tested on the Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 operating systems.
General Public Release
Acute Radiation Risk and BRYNTRN Organ Dose (ARRBOD) version 2.1
The Acute Radiation Risk And BRYNTRN Organ Dose Projection (ARRBOD) is a radiation risk projection model for typical space traveling scenarios, which calculates gender-dependent organ doses and various acute radiation responses due to some historical large solar particle events (SPEs).
General Public Release
NASA Task Load Index (TLX) iOS
The NASA Task Load Index (TLX) provides multi-dimensional ratings of overall workload based on a weighted average of six subscales: mental demands, physical demands, temporal demands, performance, effort, and frustration.
NASA TLX iOS is a full computational version of its predecessor Windows NT, and pencil and paper version. Data collection may be performed through an iPhone, or an iPad.
General Public Release
GCR Event-Based Risk Model (GERMCode) Code
The GERMCode provides scientists data interpretation of experiments; modeling of beam line, shielding of target samples and sample holders; and estimation of basic physical and biological outputs of their experiments.
For mono-energetic ion beams, basic physical and biological properties are calculated for a selected ion type, such as kinetic energy, mass, charge number, absorbed dose, or fluence. Evaluated quantities are linear energy transfer (LET), range (R), absorption and fragmentation cross sections, and the probability of nuclear interactions after 1 or 5 cm of water equivalent material. In addition, a set of biophysical properties are evaluated, such as, the Poisson distribution for a specified cellular area, cell survival curves, and DNA damage yields per cell.
Also, the GERM code calculates the radiation transport of the beam line for either a fixed number of user specified depths or at multiple positions along the Bragg curve of the particle in a selected material.
General Public Release
NASA Space Radiation Cancer Risk (NSCR) Model 2012
NASA Space Cancer Risk Model (NSCR-2012) is an integration of various components of the cancer risk projection model for assessment of radiation induced Cancer risks for humans in space.
Exposure to the solar particle events (SPE) and galactic cosmic ray (GCR) present cancer risks to astronauts. The NASA Johnson Space Center Space Radiation Program (JSC-SRP) has developed the NASA Space Radiation Cancer Risk (NSCR) model to estimate cancer risks and overall uncertainties due to various factors that enter into risk estimates. NSCR utilizes the latest analysis of human radio-epidemiology for low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation and cancer and survival rates in the U.S. population and a population of never-smokers. NASA specific radiation quality factors based on particle track structure are defined. Models of space environments and radiation transport are used to determine organ exposures behind spacecraft shielding. NSCR makes projections for never-smokers which are shown to lead to reduced radiation cancer risk compared to others. NSCR uses Monte-Carlo propopagation of errors in various factors that enter into risk projections to determine overall uncertainties in radiation cancer projections. The NSCR Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides seamless integration of input and output manipulations, which are required for operations of the sub-modules: HZETRN, BRYNTRN, SUMSHIELD, and the Cancer probabilistic response models. The main applications envisioned are International Space Station (ISS) Missions, and planning for future exploration missions to the moon, Near Earth Objects (NEO) or Mars. Tissues specific probabilities for cancer incidence or death are evaluated for various criteria including: 1) adults at different ages of exposures, 2) males or females, and 3) population of never-smokers or the US average population. Probability distribution functions (PDFs) are used to describe factor uncertainties, and 95% confidence levels estimated.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
Network-Form Game Software Library (libnfg)
The libnfg software library describes how humans interact with their environment and with other humans. The tool provides a Monte Carlo analysis of user-specified "network-form games," which are flexible modeling methodologies that combine Bayes nets and game theory to model complex systems.
Open Source
VESsel GENeration Analysis (VESGEN) 2D Software
VESGEN maps and quantifies key parameters in black/white images of vascular trees and networks that are important for astronaut and terrestrial pathologies such as inflammation and angiogenesis in diabetes and tumors.
U.S. and Foreign Release
HZETRN2020 is the latest evolution of the HZETRN space radiation transport code. It is a deterministic radiation transport code capable of calculating the transport of the large variety and broad energy spectra of particles found in the space environment through shielding materials. HZETRN2020 contains updated algorithms for calculating three dimensional transport in user-defined combinatorial or ray-traced geometry, or users can opt to create an interpolation database for various thicknesses of one to three user defined materials using a "straight ahead" (1D) transport algorithm. Pions and muons are explicitly coupled to the neutron and light ion solutions in HZETRN2020. HZETRN2020 supports calculations for Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR), Solar Particle Event (SPE), and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) environments. HZETRN2020 also allows the input of user-defined environment boundary conditions, and SPE environment options include fits to historic events and spectra defined by the user with commonly used fitting functions.
General Public Release
Space Science Investigations: Plant Growth
Interactive app for mobile platforms teaching about growing plants in space. Down load available on iTunes or Google Play store (no agreement with NASA needed).
General Public Release
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