
crew and life support
HZETRN2020 is the latest evolution of the HZETRN space radiation transport code. It is a deterministic radiation transport code capable of calculating the transport of the large variety and broad energy spectra of particles found in the space environment through shielding materials. HZETRN2020 contains updated algorithms for calculating three dimensional transport in user-defined combinatorial or ray-traced geometry, or users can opt to create an interpolation database for various thicknesses of one to three user defined materials using a "straight ahead" (1D) transport algorithm. Pions and muons are explicitly coupled to the neutron and light ion solutions in HZETRN2020. HZETRN2020 supports calculations for Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR), Solar Particle Event (SPE), and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) environments. HZETRN2020 also allows the input of user-defined environment boundary conditions, and SPE environment options include fits to historic events and spectra defined by the user with commonly used fitting functions.
Software Details

Crew and Life Support
Reference Number
Release Type
General Public Release
Operating System
Windows, Linux, OS X
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Langley Research Center
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