
Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model 2010 (Mars GRAM 2010)
Mars GRAM is an engineering-level atmospheric model widely used for diverse mission applications, including systems design, performance analysis, and operations planning for aerobraking, entry descent and landing, and aerocapture.
General Public Release
Venus Global Reference Atmospheric Model (Venus-GRAM) 2005, Version 1.0
Venus-GRAM 2005 is a Fortran-based program that provides engineering estimates of density, temperature, pressure, and winds for the Venus atmosphere.
General Public Release
Trapped Radiation Models - Uncertainties For Spacecraft Design
The focus of Trapped Radiation Models software development effort was to help spacecraft and payload designers to account for uncertainties in predictive models of the Earth's trapped radiation environment. A tool was needed for more accurately determining radiation requirements and risks -- essential elements for producing less expensive, more reliable spacecraft.
U.S. Release Only
Python Interface to Dual-Pol Radar Algorithms (DualPol)
This is an object-oriented Python module that facilitates precipitation retrievals (e.g., hydrometeor type, precipitation rate, precipitation mass, particle size distribution information) from polarimetric radar data. It leverages existing open source radar software packages to perform all-in-one retrievals that are then easily visualized or saved using existing software.
Open Source
VLOADS V1.4 Launch Vehicle Loads Analysis For Preliminary Design
The VLOADS program calculates launch vehicles' in-flight structural loads for preliminary design. The program may also be used to calculate structural loads for upper stages and planetary transfer vehicles. Launch vehicle information and input data such as aerodynamic coefficients, mass properties, propellants, engine thrusts, and performance data are compiled and analyzed by VLOADS to produce distributed shear loads, bending moments, axial forces, and vehicle line loads as a function of X-station along the vehicle's length. Translational accelerations and interface loads, if the launch vehicle has booseters or wings, are also computed.
U.S. Release Only
AprilNav: Indoor Real-time Landmark Navigation System
AprilNav uses printable 2D fiduciary markers, a HD camera, and software running on a single board computer (SBC) to create a scalable, and accurate system for vehicular autonomous navigation and localization.
Open Source
Earth science keyword and variable mapping tool
Use of several text processing and natural language processing concepts to map file level metadata to dataset science keywords.
Open Source
ROCet Engine Transient Simulation Software (ROCETS)
The Rocket Engine Transient Simulation (ROCETS) software consists of a library of rocket engine component software modules for combustion chambers, nozzles, turbines, pumps, valves, lines, etc. The tool can be used to analyze both steady-state and transient performance under various operating conditions in a variety of environments.
U.S. Release Only
Monocoque Tank Analysis Spreadsheet System (MonTASS), Version 2.0
The Monocoque Tank Analysis Spreadsheet System (MonTASS) computer program enables rapid analysis and preliminary design of structural domes and truncated sections of cones. MonTASS performs both design and analysis functions and can be used to analyze nonpressurized conical structures.
U.S. Release Only
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