
Air Traffic Management Tools, Modeling and Simulation Tools
Traffic Situation Display (TSD)
The Traffic Situation Display (TSD) is an integrated display of air traffic, weather, terrain, and special use airspace. TSD was designed to serve as a primary graphical interface for ground operators/dispatchers supporting research simulation of single pilot and/or reduced crew operations. One key feature is the seamless transitional flow between the ego-referenced and position-referenced frames.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
BL2D- Two-Dimensional And Axisymmetric Boundary Layer Code
BL2D: An efficient and fourth-order accurate method to compute two-dimensional and axisymmetric boundary layers on aerospace vehicle wings from low-speed to hypersonic speeds. Aerospace applications include boundary-layer stability analysis, transonic wing design, laminar flow wing design.
U.S. Release Only
GFR: Glenn Flux Reconstruction
GFR is a high-order computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Fortran code for large-eddy simulations. It is based on the simple and efficient flux reconstruction method and accurate to an arbitrary order through an user-supplied input parameter. It is currently capable of using unstructured grids containing quadrilateral or hexahedra elements.
Open Source
Macro for an Apriori Grid NUmerics Metric (MAGNUM)
The Macro for an Apriori Grid NUmeric Metric (MAGNUM) software is a Tecplot {TM} macro that computes a grid quality metric, or number, for structured surface and volume grids that identifies how good the grid is for computational science applications. A good measure ranges from 0.7 to 1.0, where 0.7 is acceptable and 1.0 is excellent quality. The macro utilizes grid analysis tools in Tecplot's computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyzer in conjunction with the analysis presented in AIAA paper 2004-0612.
U.S. Release Only
PLOT3D, Version 4.1
PLOT3D is a computer graphics program designed to visualize the grid and solutions of structured computational fluid dynamics (CFD) datasets. Version 4.1 uses the OpenGL/GLUT graphics library. Several new features have been added to the code. These include: automatic computation of grid coordinate minimum/maximum; an orphan point plotting function; the ability to read double-precision unformatted data; negative grid index processing; random specification of colors for different walls; and simultaneous specification of walls and subsets for all zones.
U.S. Release Only
ARC2D (Efficient Two-Dimensional Solution Methods For The Navier-Stokes Equations)
ARC2D is a computational fluid dynamics program developed at the NASA Ames Research Center specifically for two-dimensional airfoil and simply connected geometries. The program uses implicit finite-difference techniques to solve two-dimensional Euler equations and Navier-Stokes equations. It is based on the Beam and Warming implicit approximate factorization algorithm in generalized coordinates. The methods are either time accurate or accelerated non-time accurate steady state schemes. The evolution of the solution through time is physically realistic; good solution accuracy is dependent on mesh spacing and boundary conditions.
U.S. Release Only
Evolutionary Mission Trajectory Generator (EMTG)
EMTG is a global trajectory optimization tool intended for interplanetary mission design. The technology automatically searches for the optimal sequence of planetary flybys and propulsive maneuvers for maximizing payload delivery at a destination. Designed for minimal user oversight, EMTG requires only start location, destination, allowable launch-date range, allowable flight time, and minimal spacecraft hardware information.
Open Source
Multi-Level Monte Carlo with Python (MLMCPy)
The Multi-Level Monte Carlo with Python (MLMCPy) software package is code written in Python to solve uncertainty propagation problems. Multi-level Monte Carlo (MLMC) is an efficient alternative to standard Monte Carlo simulation for estimating expectations of outputs to computational models with uncertain input parameters. MLMC greatly reduces computational cost by performing most simulations with low accuracy at a correspondingly low cost, with relatively few simulations being performed at high accuracy and high cost. MLMCPy is a parallel, efficient, and modular implementation of the MLMC method that provides a straightforward means of applying the method to general uncertainty propagation problems.
Open Source
Surface Operations Simulator and Scheduler (SOSS)
A simulation of air traffic movement on an airport surface, SOSS can be used in developing, analyzing, and testing runway schedulers and resolution algorithms.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
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