Macro for an Apriori Grid NUmerics Metric (MAGNUM)(LAR-17662-1)

Macro for an Apriori Grid NUmerics Metric (MAGNUM)
The Macro for an Apriori Grid NUmeric Metric (MAGNUM) software is a Tecplot {TM} macro that computes a grid quality metric, or number, for structured surface and volume grids that identifies how good the grid is for computational science applications. A good measure ranges from 0.7 to 1.0, where 0.7 is acceptable and 1.0 is excellent quality. The macro utilizes grid analysis tools in Tecplot's computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyzer in conjunction with the analysis presented in AIAA paper 2004-0612.
Notes: Written in Tecplot Macro Language

Software Details

Reference Number
Release Type
U.S. Release Only
Operating System
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