
Ground Software, Telemetry, Command and Control, Global Positioning Systems, Extra-Vehicular Activity, Radio, Communications
Single Covariance Maximum Pc
The Single Covariance Maximum Pc Offline Tool estimates the upper bound for probability of collision (Pc) when only one object's covariance information is available. The tool uses a method proposed by Frisbee that incorporates the miss vector and the known covaraince to shape the 2-dimension conjuction plane ellipse and bound the maximum Pc.
Open Source
An Emacs major mode for Spacecraft Test and Operations Language (STOL), written to be used with Integrated Test and Operations System (ITOS).
Open Source
GNSS-Inferred Positioning System and Orbit Analysis Simulation Software (GIPSY-OASIS)
GIPSY-OASIS is widely used for geophysical and global positioning system research.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
ROBUS-2 Fault-Tolerant Broadcast Communication System for Modular Avionics
ROBUS-2 is a time-division, multiple-access broadcast communication system that uses a time-indexed communication schedule for medium-access control. The technology provides guaranteed fault-tolerant services that include: message broadcast (Byzantine Agreement), dynamic communication schedule update, time reference (clock synchronization), and distributed diagnosis (group membership).
Open Source
Web Application: Ground Hardware Management Tool
The Ground Systems Development and Operations (GSDO) Program requires a web-based application to effectively manage and coordinate the various components of ground support equipment (GSE) used at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) throughout the spacecraft and launch vehicle processing and integration flow, as well as for launch pad operations.
A considerable amount of GSE is designed by the Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft developers for KSC use during the ground processing flow. Additionally, KSC develops GSE for use during processing, launch preparation, and launch activities. All GSE used at KSC during the processing flow is tracked and identified during ground operations planning activities. The Ground Operations Planning Database (GOPDb) provides the application to coordinate the various aspects of the ground planning phase.
Additional rigor and visibility into the GSE component of ground operations planning is critical to a seamless and cost effective planning and design phase. An integrated GSE tracking solution must be developed to provide visibility, accountability, and configuration control of GSE data to all stakeholders while ensuring that the source data remains appropriately controlled and protected.
This integrated GSE tracking and management tool the Ground Hardware Management Tool (GHMT) Application - for tracking and managing GSE data used in support of KSC\GSDO operations planning and launch campaigns.
The GHMT will be fully integrated with the GOPDb to provide a complete ground operations planning solution.
U.S. Release Only
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) Software Library, Version 3.1
This library provides for the reliable transfer of large data blocks to and from spacecrafts. It implements the international standard CFDP protocol, can be used from mission to mission, and supports both ground and flight software.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
CARA SDK - Two-Dimension Probability of Collision (Pc) Calculation
The two-dimension Probability of collision (Pc) calculation module set is one of the Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis (CARA) Software Development Kit (SDK). It implements the calculation of the probability of collision of two satellites given the state estimates and covariances, following the methodology of Foster and Estes (1992).
Open Source
SCaN Optical Link Assessment Tool Version 2
A calculation procedure has been designed and implemented in software that enables the specification and design of a space-based optical communications system. The resulting optical link budget essentially accounts for the communication power flow through the entire optical communications channel from the transmitter to the receiver and yields design specifications for the optical system necessary to assure reliable data transmission with desired operational metrics such as data rate, link margin, etc. The link assessment tool takes into account all the sources of deleterious noise that enters into the communications process such as electronically generated noise in the optical detector and stray optical irradiance from external sources. The link budget has the capability of being interfaced with the orbital element calculations of the Satellite Tool Kit (STK) to allow the dynamic description and evolution of optical link operation from any space-borne satellite within the solar system to and from the earth. The current version implements PPM and DPSK modulation types that can use PIN, APD, or nanowire optical detectors in teh presence of atmospheric turbulence. Coded and un-coded link power margins are provided.
U.S. Release Only
Timeline Builder Assistant (TBA)
Timeline Builder Assistant is intended to support initial surface operations planning by quickly building mission timelines with the "Building Blocks" method. The result produces a possible approach to completing all mission requirements and is intended for basic feasibility analysis. To build a new timeline, the user is prompted to enter the name of each building block and the number of times it is to be used. The program builds an EVA timeline to complete science and exploration objectives while complying with current human spaceflight limits on the number of hours of EVA allowed per day and week. At completion, the program displays the timeline, number of days to complete all requirements, number of rest days, and number of sites visited. The database keeps a record of activities and building blocks used in all surface missions and is easily searchable by the user or the program.
U.S. Release Only
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