Design and Integration Tools
Vehicle/Payload Modeling and Analysis, Component and Integrated System Simulation
Architecture Adaptive Computing Environment (ACE)
The Architecture Adaptive Computing Environment (ACE) is a parallel computing language, compiler, and runtime library. The purpose of ACE is to allow a programmer to more easily write parallel programs for a wide variety of parallel computer architectures.
Open Source
NASA.rb (formerly fUnit)
NASA.rb (formerly fUnit) is a collection of Fortran modules that provide a framework for automating the construction, execution, and reporting of unit tests for Fortran software applications. Support is provided for several aspects of unit testing that are peculiar to scientific technical computing including distributing jparallel applications and parameterized behavior.
Open Source
NASA STRuctrual ANalysis (NASTRAN)
NASTRAN is a finite element analysis program that was originally developed for NASA in the late 1960s under U.S. government funding for the aerospace industry. The software suite provides engineers a comprehensive simulation solution for insight into structural behavior. NASTRAN source code is integrated in a number of different software packages, which are distributed by a range of companies.
Open Source
Flight Dynamics Simulation of a Generic Transport Model
This software is a flight dynamics simulation of a transport aircraft. It implements general rigid body equations of motion for the vehicle dynamics and draws aerodynamic forces from a standard coefficient expansion implemented as table lookups. Dynamics of actuator servos and bandwidth of sensors are also included. The simulation is coded in Simulink, a model-based environment using a commercial simulation package from Mathworks, Inc. The software is not stand-alone; it must be run from inside this commercial environment, making use of numerical libraries for basic operations as well as the overall time-stepping and numerical integration routines.
Open Source
Incompressible Navier-Stokes CFD Solver (INS3D)
The INS3D code solves the incompressible Naiver-Stokes equations in three-dimensional generalized coordinates for both steady-state and time varying flow. The equations are formulated using the method of artificial compressibility. The convective terms are differenced using an upwind biased flux-difference splitting. The equations are solved using an implicit line-relaxation scheme. The code is written for single or multiple-zone calculations. It can utilize either pointwise continuous zonal interfaces, or overset zonal interfaces if a PEGASUS interpolation database is supplied. The INS3D code is written in Fortran77 and C. The code only runs in a serial execution mode. This code was developed in the 1990s and is no longer under development at NASA.
U.S. Release Only
42: A Comprehensive General-Purpose Simulation of Attitude and Trajectory Dynamics and Control of Multiple Spacecraft Composed of Multiple Rigid or Flexible Bodies
Simulator of spacecraft attitude, orbit dynamics, and environmental models. Spacecraft models composed of multiple bodies are supported. The environment models include ephemerides for all planets and major moons in the solar system. Supports geometrical visualization through an OpenGL interface. The simulator is opensource and portable across computing platforms, making it customizable and extensible. It is written to support the entire GNC design cycle, from rapid prototyping and design analysis, to high-fidelity flight code verification.
Open Source
Computational Fluids Laboratory 3-Dimensional (CFL3D)
CFL3D is a structured-grid, cell-centered, upwind-biased, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) code. It can be run in parallel on multiple grid zones with point-matched, patched, overset, or embedded connectivities. Both multigrid and mesh sequencing are available in time-accurate or steady-state modes.
Open Source
NPSS Electrical Power System Analysis Toolbox
An electrical power system analysis tool that can integrate with traditional combustion based propulsion models to analyze the potential benefits of aircraft electrification in the NPSS environment. This toolbox basic (text book based) electrical power system component models and an electrical port which connects these component models together to ensure the correct data is available to each model. The toolbox sizes the electrical power system based on required load demand at the design point and determines the power available to the loads in off-design.
Open Source
Thermodynamically Coupled Air-Droplet Icing Wind Tunnel Model (TADICE)
This one dimensional (1D) numerical model (software) simulates icing wind tunnels by modeling the thermodynamic interactions between the water/ice particles of an icing cloud and the flowing air. The model attempts to explain the observed changes in test conditions at the tunnel test section, such as air temperature and humidity, when an icing cloud is activated. The ultimate goal of the model is to better understand the complex interactions between the known test parameters at the tunnel inlet and have greater confidence in the conditions at the test section of the tunnel. The model provides simulated results at the tunnel test section which includes air temperature, vapor content (humidity), air velocity, cloud liquid and ice water content, cloud particle size distribution, cloud particle velocities, and cloud particle temperatures. The model can simulate supercooled liquid clouds (water that freezes below 0 degrees Celsius) as well as standard water clouds (water that freezes at 0 degrees Celsius). Model inputs include initial air temperature, air pressure, air humidity, cloud water content, cloud ice content, cloud ice/water temperature, cloud water type (regular water or deionized water that can supercool), cloud ice/water speed, cloud particle size distribution, and expected exit air velocity. There is also an input for the tunnel geometry
U.S. Release Only
NASA Acronyms Browser Extension: Firefox & Chrome
This is a simple browser extension (Firefox & Chrome) that defines NASA extensions according to the NASA acronyms database found at Just select any NASA-related acronym and it's definition appears below it.
Open Source
KSOPT - An Indirect Method for Numerical Optimization using the Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser Function - Version 3.1
This is a technique for converting a constrained optimization problem into an unconstrained problem. The technique transforms one or more objective functions into reduced objective functions analogous to goal constraints used in the goal programming method. The reduced objective
functions are appended to the set of constraints and an envelope of the entire function set is computed using the Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser function. This envelope function is then searched for an unconstrained minimum. The technique may be categorized as a SUMT algorithm. Version 3.1 is written in the FORTRAN 90/95 standard and improves upon the robustness of the code by preventing potential memory allocation errors.
U.S. Release Only
Core Flight System Simulink Interface Layer
The Simulink Interface Layer (SIL) is a software abstraction layer which allows the interfacing of task/mission-specific code generated from Simulink (or other sources) to the Core Flight System (cFS) via a generic set of wrapper code. The SIL enables direct integration of code from the Simulink autocoding pipeline into the cFS without the need for interface code and allows access to cFS API's including table services, time services, the software bus, event services, and fault reporting.
The SIL accomplishes this by extending Simulink's code generation pipeline to produce a description of the model's interfaces which is utilized by generic wrapper code to initialize the model and the appropriate cFS interfaces. The SIL simplifies the integration of code as a CFS application and eliminates the need for hand edits to generated code, allowing quicker integration of code and reducing the probability of human error in the integration process.
Open Source
Beyond Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Architecture Sizing Tool (BLAST)
A user-friendly, configurable spacecraft sizing tool, BLAST provides a shareable, re-creatable and rigorous end-to-end multi-element architecture framework that has been used to generate mass data for in-space, beyond low-Earth orbit (LEO) transportation vehicles and architectures. Offering a novel approach to modeling, BLAST couples extensive MER research with the ability to assess mission changes instantaneously by analyzing sensitivity sweeps of several parameters at once.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
MBJEOD: An Integrated Multibody and Orbital Dynamics Simulation Module
MBJEOD is a multi-body dynamics (MBDyn) software interface layer that allows transfer of forces between muti-body articulating objects and the JEOD orbital dynamics package.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
Windows Semi-Markov Range Evaluator (WinSURE)
This package is used by aerospace flight software developers to predict the reliability of flight-critical computer processes.
Open Source
WinASSIST: (Windows Abstract Semi-Markov Specification Interface To The SURE Tool)
The WinASSIST program uses a rule-oriented language to automatically generate input files for the SURE/WinSURE program. The user describes the failure behavior and recovery behavior of a fault-tolerant computer system in an abstract language. The WinASSIST program then automatically generates a corresponding semi-Markov model. The abstract language allows efficient description of large, complex systems. A one-page WinASSIST-language description may result in a semi-Markov model with thousands of states and transitions. The WinASSIST program also provides model-reduction techniques to facilitate efficient modeling of large systems.
Open Source
Integrated Lunar Information Architecture for Decision Support (ILIADS), Version 3.0
ILIADS 3.0 provides the data management capabilities to access CxP-vetted lunar data sets from the LMMP-provided Data Portal and the LMMP-provided OnMoon lunar data product server. (LMMP stands for Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project.) It also provides specific quantitative analysis functions to meet the stated LMMP Level 3 functional and performance requirements specifications that were approved by the CxP.
Open Source
Low Fidelity Space Systems Analysis Tools-Heliocentric Trajectory Tool
This tool is produced is take advantage of pre-existing resources of known lambert trajectory solutions to various bodies, NEA's and more. This database is created and maintained by Ames Research Center and provides a two significant figure estimate of the injection deltaV to get to the desired orbit and the insertion dV to stop at the location. Additionally, it does calculate flyby maneuver effects.
U.S. Release Only
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