
NASA Acronyms Browser Extension: Firefox & Chrome
This is a simple browser extension (Firefox & Chrome) that defines NASA extensions according to the NASA acronyms database found at Just select any NASA-related acronym and it's definition appears below it.
Open Source
Web Application: Ground Hardware Management Tool
The Ground Systems Development and Operations (GSDO) Program requires a web-based application to effectively manage and coordinate the various components of ground support equipment (GSE) used at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) throughout the spacecraft and launch vehicle processing and integration flow, as well as for launch pad operations. A considerable amount of GSE is designed by the Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft developers for KSC use during the ground processing flow. Additionally, KSC develops GSE for use during processing, launch preparation, and launch activities. All GSE used at KSC during the processing flow is tracked and identified during ground operations planning activities. The Ground Operations Planning Database (GOPDb) provides the application to coordinate the various aspects of the ground planning phase. Additional rigor and visibility into the GSE component of ground operations planning is critical to a seamless and cost effective planning and design phase. An integrated GSE tracking solution must be developed to provide visibility, accountability, and configuration control of GSE data to all stakeholders while ensuring that the source data remains appropriately controlled and protected. This integrated GSE tracking and management tool the Ground Hardware Management Tool (GHMT) Application - for tracking and managing GSE data used in support of KSC\GSDO operations planning and launch campaigns. The GHMT will be fully integrated with the GOPDb to provide a complete ground operations planning solution.
U.S. Release Only
Photogrammetry Pyramid
The Photogrammetry Pyramid software is a 3D photogrammetry Windows application intended to support the use of a stand-alone reference target system. The software requires images from two or more camera views. For static scenes, a single camera can be used by taking pictures from different viewpoints (two or more). The reference target is composed of seven spheres connected by equal length rods. A sphere is located at each of the four vertices of the pyramid. Three additional spheres are located at the midpoint of the three vertical rods. The distance between any set of vertices-spheres defines the characteristic pyramid length. This length is the only value needed by the user during reference target generation. The pyramid replaces the photogrammetry cube (see: The original photogrammetry cube software has been modified to incorporate the photogrammetry pyramid. An application and mathematical theory utilized by the software is described in an article by Metzger et al., "Photogrammetry and ballistic analysis of a high-flying projectile in the STS-124 space shuttle launch." Acta Astronautica 67, no. 1 (2010): 217-229.
General Public Release
HLA2MPC 3.0, A software bridge between the IEEE 1516 (High Level Architecture) to the NASA MPC (Model Process Control) 3.0 telemetry language.
HLA2MPC provides the link between HLA (High Level Architecture, IEEE 1516) Simulation Federation data and any MPC 3 compliant simulation or visualization tool. One such tool is DON, the Distributed Observer Network, now in version 3.1. DON 3.1 is available in the Software catalog at
Open Source
Solenoid Inductance Calculator
The Solenoid Inductance Calculator can be used to compute the inductance approximation of a cylindrical solenoid of arbitrary dimensions. The technology's calculation method (1) uses magnetic vector potential to provide a more precise estimate of inductance and (2) is not limited to a specific range of coil geometry values.
General Public Release
Employee Health & Safety System
This software was built to facilitate the process of employees completing their Health and Safety Requirements.Web application for supervisors to record their Work Center Safety and Health Guide progress. Application would ask supervisors questions on all 22 sections of the document and records their answer for reports. Supervisors must complete this safety assessment annually and this application will facilitate the OSHA requirement. In addition, employees have the ability to certify they have completed their required training, JHA and certifications.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
Mars In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Propellant Production Discrete Event Simulation (DES)- MIPP-D.
Mars In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Propellant Production Discrete Event Simulation (DES)- MIPP-D MIPP-D is a Simio based Discrete Event Simulation modeling Mars surface propellant production. The focus is on the actual chemical plant and processes, including incoming and outgoing materials, associated with the production of rocket fuel on Mars. The fuel will be for the Mars Ascent Vehicle used to carry humans into space from the surface of Mars. The Simulation utilizes NASA ground rules and assumptions as well as data from prototype chemical plants, NASA experts and literature. The Simulation is designed to grow in capability and complexity as needed or as additional information becomes available. The simulation does not attempt to model the complexities of surface elements acquiring feed stock or disposing of spent resources, although it does acknowledge those functions exist and uses informed assumptions where necessary.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
eInfo Services (EIS)
eInfo is a web-service used to provide employee information to web-applications. In some contexts, web-application development requires the retrieval and use of specific employee information.. As each web-application may not be authored by the same development personnel and the support/maintenance of disparate methods for information retrieval is neither efficient nor an industry best practice, it behooves the organization to develop an abstracted employee information service/system to be used across all web-applications where needed. The eInfo Service (EIS) is composed of an API Service. Using this API service, developers can create service calls within a specified application, passing the established parameters to retrieve specific employee information as needed for the specific application.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
Design Patterns and Methods to Rapidly Develop Web and Mobile Applications Integrated with Systems Utilizing the Object Management Group's (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS)
This software gives Node.js application developers the ability to integrate with a DDS-enabled software system without having to write the extension software that would otherwise be required without this product. Such a product is not currently available in the market. In addition, no publications exist where this method or approach is contemplated as a possible solution. The solution achieves this feature by processing the system's already-existing (or otherwise necessary on a new system) IDL files and generating the appropriate C++ code based on the IDL file contents. In doing so, the solution includes a novel way of using C++ templates and advanced generic programming techniques to produce data transcoders between JavaScript and C++ that preserve all data characteristics as described in the system's IDL files with no need for application developers to expend work implementing or customizing this transcoding.
Open Source
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