
Propellants, Cryogenics, Engine and Motor Performance Analysis
SNAP, Version 2.3
SNAP is an N-body high-fidelity propagation program that can model the trajectories of the planets, the Sun, and virtually any natural satellite in the solar system.
U.S. Release Only
Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (MAPSS)
MAPSS is a flexible turbofan engine simulation environment that provides easy access to health, control, and engine parameters through a graphical user interface. The technology can be used as a simulation environment for developing and testing advanced control algorithms, or it can run transient simulations or generate state-space linear models for creating a piecewise linear controller.
U.S. Release Only
Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (C-MAPSS)
Written in a combination of MATLAB and Simulink, C-MAPSS provides a realistic simulation of a large commercial turbofan engine. The technology includes a number of graphical user-interface screens that allow point-and-click operation.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
V072 Rotor Wake/Stator Interaction Noise Prediction
The V072 computer code predicts noise from rotor wake/stator interactions. The technology can perform compressor rotor wake prediction only, rotor/stator or fan/FEGV interaction only, fan/core stator interaction only, and both fan/FEGV and fan/core stator interactions.
U.S. Release Only
This computer program computes general two-dimensional turbulent boundary-layer flow using finite difference techniques. Without requiring any modifications to the program code, STAN 5 can handle a wide range of boundary-layer problems. The technology has been used extensively at Stanford University.
U.S. Release Only
Computed Tomography Cylinder Unwrapper/Re-slicer Software (CT-CURS), Version 2
CT-CURS is a dedicated unwrapping/re-slicing software tool for computing tomography data from cylindrical and partially cylindrical structures. The technology can be used as a complement to vendor software or can be utilized as a completely standalone visualization program.
U.S. Release Only
This technology computes the tone noise associated with propellers and predicts axial and circumferential directivity. The acoustic model is exact and accounts for all unsteady sources.
U.S. Release Only
BLAYER is a Fortran program used for calculating compressible laminar and turbulent boundary layers in arbitrary pressure gradients.
U.S. Release Only
ROCet Engine Transient Simulation Software (ROCETS)
The Rocket Engine Transient Simulation (ROCETS) software consists of a library of rocket engine component software modules for combustion chambers, nozzles, turbines, pumps, valves, lines, etc. The tool can be used to analyze both steady-state and transient performance under various operating conditions in a variety of environments.
U.S. Release Only
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