
Time-Accurate, Sectored, One-Dimensional Reactive Code for Simulation, Prediction, and Control of Combustion Instabilities
This sectored one-dimensional model utilizes a simplified computational fluid dynamics (CFD) algorithm to simulate combustion and acoustic processes (including instabilities) in combustors with complex shapes. Utilizing modest computational resources, the code produces realistic results and is well suited for controls development.
U.S. Release Only
Solar Array Verification and Analysis Tool (SAVANT)
The powerful, yet easy-to-use SAVANT quick-engineering code calculates the expected radiation damage to solar cells in Earth orbit. The tool contains ten types of solar cells and four types of cover glass. Radiation damage calculations are based on the Displacement Damage Dose method developed at the Naval Research Laboratories.
U.S. Release Only
SNAP, Version 2.3
SNAP is an N-body high-fidelity propagation program that can model the trajectories of the planets, the Sun, and virtually any natural satellite in the solar system.
U.S. Release Only
The NESSUS 6.2c computer program is a set of separate but related modules for solving a wide range of component and system probabilistic and reliability problems, including finite element analysis, heat transfer analysis, geometry generation, and ceramic material property generation.
U.S. Release Only
Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (MAPSS)
MAPSS is a flexible turbofan engine simulation environment that provides easy access to health, control, and engine parameters through a graphical user interface. The technology can be used as a simulation environment for developing and testing advanced control algorithms, or it can run transient simulations or generate state-space linear models for creating a piecewise linear controller.
U.S. Release Only
Acoustic Emission Analysis Applet (AEAA) Software
Post-processing software has been developed at NASA that is tailored for novel analysis of composite pressure vessels acoustic emission (AE) data. The software can be used with data acquired from Digital Wave, Inc. and Mistras Group (Physical Acoustics, Inc.) hardware
U.S. Release Only
Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (C-MAPSS)
Written in a combination of MATLAB and Simulink, C-MAPSS provides a realistic simulation of a large commercial turbofan engine. The technology includes a number of graphical user-interface screens that allow point-and-click operation.
U.S. Government Purpose Release
GFR: Glenn Flux Reconstruction
GFR is a high-order computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Fortran code for large-eddy simulations. It is based on the simple and efficient flux reconstruction method and accurate to an arbitrary order through an user-supplied input parameter. It is currently capable of using unstructured grids containing quadrilateral or hexahedra elements.
Open Source
NPSS Electrical Power System Analysis Toolbox
An electrical power system analysis tool that can integrate with traditional combustion based propulsion models to analyze the potential benefits of aircraft electrification in the NPSS environment. This toolbox basic (text book based) electrical power system component models and an electrical port which connects these component models together to ensure the correct data is available to each model. The toolbox sizes the electrical power system based on required load demand at the design point and determines the power available to the loads in off-design.
Open Source
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