Digital Lunar Exploration Sites Unreal Simulation Tool (DUST) Products(MSC-27522-1)
data and image processing
Digital Lunar Exploration Sites Unreal Simulation Tool (DUST) Products
The Digital Lunar Exploration Sites Unreal Simulation Tool (DUST) is a 3D visualization application of the Lunar South Pole. The DLES terrain is generated from LRO digital elevation model data, SPICE kernel ephemerides, synthetic surface textures, and representative crater and rock distributions. Its intended use is for early mission traverse and lunar landing simulation capability assessments for HLS, EHP, M2M, and SAO. This 3D visualization tool can be used as an early reference to enable candidate vendors to perform initial studies of the lunar terrain and lighting conditions. DUST uses Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data from Goddards PGDA website ( as its lunar heightmap data source. Additional lunar surface characteristics can be found in ACD-50044, Lunar Surface Data Book.
Notes: Secure email from JSC developer with download instructions
Software Details
Data and Image Processing
Reference Number
Release Type
General Public Release
Operating System
Windows, Linux, OS X