Genesis Flight Mechanics Simulation and Trajectory Design Tool v0.4.1(MSC-27061-1)
design and integration tools
Genesis Flight Mechanics Simulation and Trajectory Design Tool v0.4.1
Genesis is a generic, multi-vehicle, variable-degree-of-freedom flight mechanics simulation for trajectory design. It is capable of modeling ascent, aerocapture, entry, descent, and landing trajectories around a single planetary body. It is designed to be flexible and easily reconfigured for new vehicles. Genesis provides generic models for atmospheric properties, winds, aerodynamics, and propulsion. It can easily be extended with new environment, vehicle, or flight software models. Genesis can be used for a wide variety of analyses, ranging from optimizing a single trajectory to running a large Monte Carlo analysis in a High-Performance Computing (HPC) environment. It consolidates and replaces a suite of legacy flight mechanics simulations. It is implemented in the Julia programming language.
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Software Details
Design and Integration Tools
Reference Number
Release Type
U.S. Release Only
Operating System
Windows, Linux, OS X