Mesh_Tools v1.2.0 - Automated Unstructured Grid Shock Fitting Scripts Mesh Extrusion for CFD(MSC-26648-1)

Mesh_Tools v1.2.0 - Automated Unstructured Grid Shock Fitting Scripts Mesh Extrusion for CFD
A collection of tools and scripts that will create shock-fitted unstructured grids in a mostly automatic manner, similar to those created for structured grids. The scripts has been tested with several unstructured grid solvers, LociCHEM, FUN3D, and US3D, and can be made to work with most other unstructured CFD solvers. The script help to improve numerical stability and convergence when solving hypersonic cases with unstructured CFD solvers.This package also contains an advanced mesh extrusion tool which creates high quality prismatic layers using face offsetting method to preserve surface curvature and a mean curvature smoothing algorithm to prevent the cells from self-intersecting in concave regions.
Notes: Secure email from Repository for software download

Software Details

Reference Number
Release Type
U.S. Release Only
Operating System
Windows, Linux, OS X
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