dcapp - Displays and Controls Application(MSC-26476-1)
design and integration tools
dcapp - Displays and Controls Application
dcapp is a displays and controls software package designed for UNIX platforms, specifically MacOS and Linux. It is built upon standard UNIX technologies like OpenGL for graphics, libxml2 for input file parsing, and FreeType2 for font handling. For window management and event handling, it uses Cocoa on MacOS machines and X11 for Linux-based machines. It has built-in communication libraries to communicate with external Trick-based simulations (via trick_comm) and EDGE graphics (via EDGEs remote commanding server (RCS)).dcapp provides a simple interface for building and running displays and controls on a desktop or laptop computer. It processes user inputs, typically mouse clicks and keyboard entries, and renders displays to the computer screen based upon the data fed to it.
Notes: https://github.com/nasa/dcapp
Software Details
Design and Integration Tools
Reference Number
Release Type
Open Source
Operating System
Linux, OS X