
vehicle management space air ground
FilePlottingTools (FPT) is an add-in for the spreadsheet software product Excel, provided by Microsoft Corporation, which was developed in and that simplifies the process of making plots from transient thermal text file data and comparing this data across different files. The software was developed to handle delimited text files containing time vs. temperature data from thermal analysis, or thermal testing. It assumes that the first column in a file is Time, and the remaining columns are Temperature data from nodes or test sensors. The software could be extended to read in other types of time vs. DATA files by changing the conversions on the Formatted worksheet. In addition to reading text files, FilePlottingTools also reads in data in the .SAV files format from the heat transfer and fluid flow analysis software product C&R THERMAL DESKTOP, provided by Cullimore and Ring Technologies, Inc. FilePlottingTools was developed at NASA LaRC in the Structural and Thermal Systems Branch (STSB / D206) and has been classified as Class E software (per NPR 7150.2). Trade names and trademarks are used in this document for identification only. Their usage does not constitute an official endorsement, either expressed or implied, by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Software Details

Vehicle Management (Space/Air/Ground)
Reference Number
Release Type
Open Source
Operating System
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Langley Research Center
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