Scalable Implementation of Finite Elements by NASA (ScIFEN)(LAR-18720-1)

materials and processes
Scalable Implementation of Finite Elements by NASA (ScIFEN)
The Scalable Implementation of Finite Elements by NASA (ScIFEN) package is a parallel finite element analysis code written in C++. It is designed to enable scalable solutions to computational mechanics problems by leveraging several open-source high performance computing libraries for numerical linear algebra routines and parallel input/output. ScIFEN supports several different finite element types, nonlinear material models, and boundary conditions and contains both implicit and explicit time integration procedures called ScIFEi and ScIFEx, respectively.
Notes: This software can also be used by Foreign Nationals if they are in US Universities and businesses within the US territories.

Software Details

Materials and Processes
Reference Number
Release Type
U.S. Release Only
Operating System
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Langley Research Center
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