Constrained Direct Iterative Surface Curvature (CDISC) Aerodynamic Design Software(LAR-18693-1)

design and integration tools
Constrained Direct Iterative Surface Curvature (CDISC) Aerodynamic Design Software
CDISC is a system of software codes which, when coupled with computational fluid Dynamics flow solvers, provides a method for aerodynamic design. The core design algorithm uses prescribed flow/geometry sensitivity derivatives to make geometry changes based on the difference between target and analysis pressures on the surface of the configuration being designed. The target pressures can be directly specified or may be generated using the flow constraint options in CDISC that modify the current analysis pressures to meet common engineering quantities such as lift and pitching moment. Geometry constraints, such as wing thickness or curvature, are also included to meet requirements from other disciplines such as structures and manufacturing.
Software Details

Design and Integration Tools
Reference Number
Release Type
U.S. Release Only
Operating System
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Langley Research Center
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