Configuration-Based Aerodynamics (CBAero)(ARC-15819-1)
design and integration tools
Configuration-Based Aerodynamics (CBAero)
CBAero is a software tool for the prediction of the conceptual aero-thermodynamic environments of aerospace configurations. The vehicle geometry is defined using unstructured, triangulated surface meshes. For subsonic Mach numbers a fast, unstructured, multi-pole panel code is coupled with a streamline tracing formulation to define the viscous surface solution. For supersonic and hypersonic Mach numbers, various independent panel methods are coupled with the streamline tracing formulation, attachment line detection methods, and stagnation-attachment line heating models to define the viscous aero-thermal environment.
Notes: For questions, contact:
Software Details
Design and Integration Tools
Reference Number
Release Type
U.S. Release Only
Operating System
Linux and Windows. (You will find executables for Windows (using CYGWIN), as well as binaries for UBUNTU and RHEL Linux. Read first the README in the main distribution directory. A manual, examples, and past publications are included along with the main executable and all the support tools that come with the distribution.